Monday, 29 September 2014

Working title 'Waiting' with Crackle intaglio type

Today I made a fairly large print (50x61cm) doing crackle intaglio type on one of the three plates.
It's been a long, long time since I tried crackle intaglio type, but for this print I needed one of the plates to look old. I did a test on a small plate which didn't work really well, so I just went ahead and made the large one:)

I exposed my image and developed it, then I brushed on gum arabic. My plate was on a hot plate and when the gum arabic dries quickly it crackles. Then I put it back in the developer. I left it in for 11 minutes - which could have been all right, but note to self: have enough gum arabic on the actual image or you will end up with open bite areas.
Now, since I needed an "old" plate, it worked great with the open bite:)

Close up of the crackled plate

 The plate looks pretty bad

The petg plate got all bulky from being on the hot plate

 Close up of the crackled plate, printed

 Detail of finished print

Finished print 'Waiting'
Three plates, Akua intaglio all mixed colours

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